ArcadeStriker's RingNET


Bite-sized [ocasionally] quips for each episode of a series or whatever I watch.

Separate from Anime and Movies for the sake of organization. Piling whatever I watch from The Boys [and et al] with other movies sounds like more of a funny yet fuzzy deal than to just keep each thing into their technical definition. Mainly when having to account for episodes.

The Good Doctor Season 1 - Episode 3

September 3rd, 2024

I still have to go and add something for Episode 2 in this page because I already watched it days ago but forgot to write about it lol- and just right now, I realized that there might be a clever pun in the whole deal of the episode being named Oliver...and being related about a liver. Oliver's liver if you will, which the protagonist Shaun Murphy calls Oliver.

He calls the liver Oliver. Before and after saving it [long story short he and his partner had to operate it midway through carrying it to the hospital due to something he eventually noticed being wrong] he told people that the liver was named Oliver [without giving context that the guy the liver was from was Oliver].

Oliver the liver.

Okay, but the episode itself aside from being this quest of Dr. Murphy and Dr. Brown having to fetch that and bring it back, not only has once again an insight on Murphy's past between things he sees that make him freeze before going to a flashback showing why he associates that thing with a bad memory, but also has an interesting point in how, while at first Dr. Brown is annoyed because Melendez sent both of them to get a liver as "dirty laundry" instead of being in the operating team, at the end, without going into spoilers (because the other plot regarding the patient that the liver was for is interesting enough in the way it develops and ends that I don't want to spoil it- unless I later write about it in a spoiler tag), leaves Murphy with a satisfied smile of delivering Oliver and saving someone's life, while Dr. Brown is seen with a more bittersweet expression of hearing the news related to the liver quest...and Melendez is left sleepless at night because of what HE had to deal with as the guy responsible of handling the operation and so on (no, it wasn't malpractice, but again...when you see the story you can see why he ends up like that).


The Good Doctor Season 1 - Episode 1

August 23th, 2024

Interesting hook: The particular protagonist showing up in an unorthodox way to the point that he looks weird and even leads to a comedic bit with an unamused yet smug guard giving him the [no you don't] look halfway through the episode, as well as having sizable chunks of his backstory into the why of some of the ways he is- including his reason for being a doctor, and yet obviously gets to pay off with how this odd doctor happens to be as effective as the guy who you could call The Good Doctor would be, to the surprise and relief of people watching him do the initial treatment of the kid who got wounded, and later off something he was saying that needed to be checked, while at first doubted as he couldn't quite explain why, eventually paid off too with how a particular assumption and bold guess ended up being spot-on.

Seems that its gonna be quite the ride, more so if I try to imagine how much things have to build up to even get to THAT meme scene that until this day, was my only exposition to the series.

The Boys Season 4 - Finale

August 6th, 2024

Just watched the finale of The Boys Season 4 and AGHHHHH NOW I'LL HAVE TO WAIT YEARS TO SEE HOW THIS ENDS, SHIT

At least it was a more well rounded finale than Gen V's...and that final song pick. Damn. Just...DAMN they cooked with how they used it.

Expanding more than my initial thoughts that I copied over from the bird site, the finale was both huge in how they coordinated the songs with the kickers that started happening and everything that was actually happening. Mother of all cliffhangers- Gen V's might have been a VERY sudden cop-out, but here there's technically a level of how screwed you can see everything get to all thanks due to a very unfortunate sequence of events that caused the one ticking bomb that was almost on the verge of death becoming burning red hot again ...and like the ol' days, actually sending everything straight to the drain with the return of an old macabre resolve.

Old mental devils winning the fight? The silent screaming in agony? The one who wished to leave in safety getting...caught outta nowhere? All that could be unexpected and all that could have gone wrong DID. And that somehow was apparently on the plans of that new sage that had crept up as a threat since the start of the season. Even Ashley ended up getting an event that was left in itself as a cliffhanger, but no doubt is likely to end wrong for her or maybe for those that run into her after she turned into...whatever she was turning into? That was straight up cut off and never mentioned again.

But you know what I had seen in memes and is funny how actually played out like they said? A-Train somehow getting off scott-free before the big disaster the moment before and not having anything to do with anything in the finale. Which not only means he IS safe, but also opens up the gate to whether this rising redemption arc of his will have a bigger pay-off considering how he's one of the few that remains that could play a helping hand with...the few boys that remain off the hook, or rather, one not-so-boy, because the other one is already quite dead set on his own bloodbath quest.

...And now the question remains of whether Homelander will get his pops that homemade chocolate he always wanted to have. Hopefully he won't let him down.

The Boys Season 4 - Episode 6 and 7

August 5th, 2024

That twist with ol' Joe hits different when you consider for how long that one rope was waiting there after his first appearance in previous seasons and so on.

Yes, I think that is better to dedicate more words to than the...uhh...that whole ordeal with Knight. Even if it kinda[?] ended in a good way when the two most perpetually screwed over in that place were the ones to cap 'im off. It is easier to avoid giving off spoilers when being vague, but if you happen to know what I mean with these, then you know I'd both be unable to describe the way this show somehow managed to one-up itself again in regards to "What the actual fuck am I watching and how did they get the greenlight for this" while making the conclusion to that bit have a level of satisfaction.

The rug pull to Mr. Yummies because of a bullet causing a mayor inconvenience in a specific moment [that wasn't death, due to the recipient's particular oddity] was funny, even if it would obviously bring to the oncoming wreck train that was being built up into the next episode, mainly because of that Firecracker starting to get her way into the big seat through...okay again I don't know how I'm supposed to describe half of the stuff that happens with this show.

Episode 7 though definitely went in a bit of a high-octane kick between having Deep and Not Noir pull up to the base for an actual fight after a good while, while being rescued by M.M and the one guy that SOMEHOW has been gaining a noticeable redemption arc with how he's starting to catch up and try to fix the messes he has a chance to now due to everything he had gone not only in previous seasons but also something that happened in this one. Truth to be told, quite the interesting ride with the Train.

On the other hand, the rest seem to have their leg pulled in one way to another- the worst being what happens with Annie [which was a surprise with how it was something to be aware of midway through, but my brother and I legit forgot about THAT thing until it did its trick at the end]...and technically Hughie if we think about who was he actually with?

Hadn't realized until now that actually talking about these episodes without spilling too much the beans, especially now with how this is the last season for now until how many years it takes for the next season- if not interrupted by a spin-off first [YOU BLUEBALLED ME WITH THAT ENDING GEN V], that keeping eye on this story as-is without spoilers might be hard. But all in all, some good shit going, some bad shit happening, and definitely on the cusp of what might end up as a giant disaster.

And it would be neat to watch the next episode whenever that happens without having spoiled myself about one specific detail- not that I know EVERY detail, but just one that I'd wager would have been a damn surprise if I were to run into it blind. Oh well, at least I still have to wonder how that even ends up happening in the first place.