ArcadeStriker's RingNET


Bite-sized [ocasionally] quips for each movie I run into.

I don't watch movies that often, so I'd like to keep track of 'em here.

Shrek The Third

September 4th, 2024

Was some fun stuff too- some jokes a bit less subtle than usual but I found it all fun like the other two.

It is interesting how while Shrek 1 takes full use of its riffs on the usual fairytale stories to parody it while making a compelling story about the ogre and his feelings, and Shrek 2 plays into the story of Shrek inevitably having to meet Fiona's parents turning into an exploration of the kind of things each would want to do for the other just to be happy even if things got sour at first, Shrek The Third clearly uses more the existing characters to give them some continuation of what they already did- not only the footnote of Shrek struggling to be a replacement king until he looks for a way to get someone else to do it when things call for a new king, but also Shrek having to process the idea of him being a father and the way he struggles with it, while at the same time having this other guy that also has insecurities of the royalhood proposal he got due to his bullying from classmates and how things go south at first between him and Shrek.

Still a lot to be expected from Shrek, including having at least two or three moments that have been memeable on the internet, such as Puss in Boots's cut-short reaction to Shrek being a father, and Shrek's face transitioning into a smug smirk fitting perfectly the context it comes from.

You know, always heard this one being "the bad one" of sorts online, although I never heard of it as much as other movies and series that got so much more vitriol, although that's also maybe because the movie is over a decade old at this point, but I didn't find anything terrible with it. I'm aware that if I try researching reviews of this movie, there will probably be a handful of videos that will be of people explaining why they think the movie is a big step down...but eh, that's probably why I'm not going to do that lol

Shrek 2

August 18th, 2024

It delivered too. More meme lines, more drama with the story- even if a bit funny to think how trivial the conflict that leads to the plot spreading its wings was, obviously a ton more of comedy even with the new fierce bounty hunter Puss in Boots VERY QUICKLY becoming a partner, and the one-two combo of big songs capping off the climax and ending of the movie. Oh, and Donkey got new things to care of.

That last thing is even funnier when how the whole Happy-Ever-After potion thing and its effects ended up bringing the question of what would it have done to the Dragon- which in itself lead to the fact that the Dragon wasn't brought up in the movie almost at all, with my brother laughing at the idea while saying "Yup, they didn't have Kimiko in this movie for the sake of the plot"- referring to the character from The Boys [show] being the main crew's strongest member for most of its runtime.


August 15th, 2024

Yes, I had NOT watched Shrek anytime before in my life...and apparently somehow my brother hadn't either. It was late and night and he saw it on Amazon Prime so he hit play on that and...

Okay, that was impressive in so many ways. The CGI quality for being a movie from 2001 [and even more so in retrospective when compared to that piece of test footage from 1995], the story having a neat message while not making it heavy handed and instead peppering the poignant moments between jokes and the silly action going, and how E for EVERYONE this movie is...because there's a lot of silly things that could easily make kids and teens laugh, but what caught both of us off-guard were the Getting Crap Past the Radar moments that were REALLY getting some hilarious shit through enough subtlety for anyone old enough to pick up. Songs cut off on certain words, certain implications that are given- my brother's favorite sneak joke was Farquaad in his bed, shirtless, and a grimacing mirror as he requests to see Princess Fiona again...
The fact the only hints aside from the place itself being the poor mirror's realization and Farquaad raising his bedsheet when he sees the camera looking at him is hilarious.
My favorite gets-over-kids-head joke for me isn't actually on that level, but more so on actually thinking on what happened in a family movie, is when Fiona sings until the bird that sung with her explodes from her high-pitched voice. She looks at the eggs the bird was hatching...AND THEN WE CUT TO FRIED EGGS???? Man, our laughs in realization were priceless.
But not as priceless as getting to see the context and live apparition of THAT one Shrek face of doubt, when Fiona goes from grumpy at the ogre and donkey's company to fairly friendly and willing to go with them [which itself also makes sense when you see what she got a chance to listen to about Shrek's reason to be- but the reaction from Shrek and Donkey is completely warranted as they didn't know that]. We were laughing for over 10 seconds straight with that moment.
For real though, there's probably many other highlights I could bring up [Fiona going martial arts OUT OF NOWHERE, Donkey wearing sunglasses at the end, and so much more you can probably name yourself if you watched this movie], but maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan, so many years of knowing about memes of Shrek and occasional sights of discussion about which movies aged well, it managed to live up to those heights that were said to be reached back when the movie was fresh out of the oven and became a big thing that warranted three released sequels, two spin-offs [I have to watch the OG Puss in Boots, but I did watch Last Wish months ago and also was awesome] and an already confirmed Shrek 5 in production.

Kill Bill Volume 1

August 12th, 2024

I already have watched pieces of this movie before, so I do have memories of how the story comes and ends, but I still took the chance to pay attention to this again when it was airing last night on my brother's TV.
I still haven't been able to return to this square of text to add more about this movie, but if you have watched it, then you probably don't need me to tell you why its cool.
I may or may not add something about the movie itself here when my energy is back on today. Or later. The one thing I forgot to mention here is that for whatever reason they aired Vol.1 but NOT Vol.2 immediately after. That was like...why??

Deadpool and Wolverine

August 5th, 2024

You know, I actually hadn't watched Deadpool 1 or 2 before this- had seen a few scenes but not the proper movies in their entirety. So at first I thought I was going to miss out on some crucial context from the previous movies.

Somehow didn't miss out that many references. Aside from one guest appearance that I didn't really recognize, the rest I either knew of because of ol' Marvel vs Capcom, a specific banger of a soundtrack that was used in that particular guest's movie, or because I happened to watch the end of a specific movie years ago for some reason.

I could think more to talk about this movie in a full review of sorts, but to summarize it briefly, it is pretty great in the way it manages to take a specific meta aspect of certain characters and universes that end up to the wayside depending of what the company has in plans for them [and I absolutely think this only was possible because the protagonist was the one and only fourth wall breaker Deadpool that talks to you whenever he can].

Deadpool movies clearly take advantage of the character's requeriment of a more mature audience to hack and slash with well-timed F-bombs while throwing in a lot of fanservice for certain characters, but most notably for the long awaited return of Hugh Jackman's Wolverine.
Long story shortened without spoilers, shit is good. No wonder Kojima wrote so much for his tweet on it- as he writes a lot for movies he likes he does.

And for the ones he doesn't...he literally just says-
"Watched [movie name]." and leaves.