ArcadeStriker's RingNET


Welcome to RingNET! Name temporary...maybe.

That guy from Ring Racers.

You heard me right, it's me, that fuckin' guy.

Click on Sonic to play/pause the music!
♫ - XBAND Sega Saturn Menu

  • Media Log is for Games, Movies and more stuff I want to log/journal about.
  • Record Attack is for checking my casual runs, scores and times in games...mainly racing games.
  • Article Zone is where I'll cram stuff I've written and want to write in the future that doesn't fit in any of the other places.
  • Striker's Creations is for anything that isn't strictly text that I've cooked. This includes my stuff for Ring Racers and etc.

  • Mini Site Updates

    September 12th, 2024

    Updated the Record Attack Arcade Racers page with my recent Hydro Thunder runs and a Virtua Racing MAME run I had to upload since September 3rd.

    September 11th, 2024 - Hey, I learned how to do scrollable divs

    This will be pretty useful not just for this mini changelog, but also for an alternate media log and stuff that just logs in the date and title of what I played or watched and other ideas.

    September 2nd, 2024 - funny footnote

    Just wanted to mention how long it had been since the last time I've actually tried slapping a big new page or feature here, only most of the time just updating the Game Log without really adding anything about it here on the front page. Might have to see what I can figure out for that...

    August 9th, 2024 - Time to OutRun more progress

    Added Outrun 2006 to the Game Log [playing online yayyy] and added a music button at the main page with RR Sonic's face :]

    August 7th, 2024 - Mini update

    Filled out a few more things, SEGA Rally Championship beaten in the Game Log, Record Attack is now visible on the navbar.

    Full Changelog Here

    Profile Card

    Just a guy, I guess. 22, born and still living in Venezuela.

    PC specs are humble enough for me to stick with older games for the most part, but good enough to edit videos and make RR maps.