ArcadeStriker's RingNET


GET READY TO RACE - This is my custom track pack for Dr. Robotnik's Ring Racers, comprised of brand new original tracks tailor made for the game's new mechanics, returning tracks for SRB2Kart ArcadePak [because they were so beloved there, thank you all :D]...and some surprise guest tracks from SEGA racing games brought over from Kart thanks to their authors's original work and permission. And a battle map...with Killer Instinct 2 music. ULTRAAAA COMBOOOOO-

Current version: V1.0 FINAL
DOWNLOAD [SRB2 Message Board]

Work on a Version 1.1 is ETA on that though.

Full Staff Ghosts and testing credits are [in the meantime] available at the Message Board post where you can download this.

Watch the v1.0 trailer here

v1.0 Tracklist

Track Detail and Development Stuff

Whenever track-specific pages are filled out, those shall be linked below for more detail on what they offer, tips and tricks, inspirations on how they were made, and if available, snippets of these maps during their creation. This kind of stuff I would like to document to keep track of how these come to life...and to have anyone curious be able to see that process happen. Little things that are possible with your own website, you know.