ArcadeStriker's RingNET


Woah. If you are here, that means you either are a new guy looking for this lost tradition, or you know me from YEARS ago when I used to cook custom tracks for F-Zero X through FZEP and the emulated 64DD version. Way before SRB2Kart [and Ring Racers] were even out...

Ain't much here to show yet since this is a new page being organized, but at least it will be nice to have the few stuff I've dug up and reuploaded to display here. YOU GOT BOOST POWER

All of the tracks that appear here have to be patched with F-Zero Execution Project, at least until I actually make a new 64DD track and export it through that import/export tool.

Daytona USA Advanced / Dinosaur Canyon

Created in February 6th, 2016.

Originally made with the 64DD version.

One of my oldest tracks, and yet one that has aged mighty fine for precise analog steering despite my playtesting being bound to playing with keyboard only back in the day.

Github Download [FZEP]

Charos - Rail-less Madness

Created in February 4th, 2016.

Originally made with the 64DD version.

Imagine an oval but without walls on the big turns...and there's like four overjumps in the second straight of the track with boosters. Very easy to jump off and crash in the fiery outside of the track...I can imagine little me back then having some fun with making those bumps with how X's physics can make your interactions be different with each race.

Github Download [FZEP]

Sector Terminal - Shifting Road

Created in February 12th, 2016.

Originally made with the 64DD version.

Not based on Cosmo Terminal, but sorta inspired by it. I still have to revisit it with proper analog controls to tell you well how this one holds up today...but hey, past me was certainly trying to do something creative with this one.

Github Download [FZEP]