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The offline pool side quest

September 6th, 2024

My brother and I were summoned to a local water park as a mom's friend invited her, so we arrived, and while at first it seemed kind of unimpressive compared to a few big water parks we had seen before many years ago [and by many, I mean MANY], we ended up figuring out ways to have fun, such as doing swimming races- although he always beat me in those...and soon started trying to teach me how to improve my technique [he had been in a swimming school as a kid so it makes sense he knows], chasing each other and so on so forth. I think I should remember more details but while those were probably washed away by the clorox'd water and overwritten by the memories of sometime after, I can definitely remember having a nice time there despite basically being just me and my older brother goofing around in a pool.

And then while we were taking a quick snack break outside of the water, I managed to summon one friend to arrive...and he brought a tennis ball. The rest of the day proceeded to be playing around by passing over the tennis ball between us, then doing a [two have to pass it to each other without the middle goof catching it] kind of game...and then later getting to play with some other kids and teens [my mom's friend grandkids IIRC? Point is that we knew two or three, and then their friends jumped in to the game] in that whole pass and catch game...except that with more goofballs on the pool playing, catching the ball to keep it as yours and then pass it back was like a war when you had like, two kids, one teenager and a guy of your age [my friend] trying to jump in front, behind or over you just to catch the ball.

I gave a good fight- catching some of those balls either midair, slamming them down to where I was basketball style, or doing a mad chase to the ball floating over the water after being passed to our side and landing in nobody's hands. Only funny thing is that I got two scratches in my right arm from those chases: The second one being small and clearly remembering how it happened [one of the players being nearby and scracthing my bicep- I noticed it immediately], but the first one being a mystery to me. It was during my first big chase of the ball landing over the water with three other chasing for it, spending like 15-20 seconds on that scuffle as the ball kept moving away and then moving around with the waves of everyone trying to jump and get it. And when I got it, I was like [MY ARM GOT SLICED BUT I GOT THE BALL]...because after I got it, I started noticing a slightly odd feeling and saw a scratch scar on my forearm that I didn't feel when whoever was nearby gave it to me.

Oh well. At the end of the day, we were worn out but fairly happy with the day, with me getting some fresh air and the first time being in a pool in years, as well as having my brother and one ol' friend there during that whole time. I had curiosity to approach a mall that was right in front of the place that had a new supermarket open with, reportedly, Pac-Man and a Marvel VS Capcom 2 cabinets, but everyone was tired enough and we had to take public transport to go back home before it was too late, so I'll have to go give that a look another day.

Ol' fellas meet-up again one last time

September 3rd, 2024

Look at that, a day memorable enough that got my slow ahh to conjure a Re-Journal page...Yeah, Re-Journal because its basically a reboot since the journal I had started in December '23/January '24 as it went pretty inactive sometime soon after.

MONKEY TARGET - I mean MONKEY TARGET- oh, whatever, one of the first things I played with the first friend that arrived was Super Monkey Ball on the Wii because the PC was taking its dear time to go running- first some stupid hijinks playing by turns in Normal mode's Advanced levels, and then going at it in Monkey Target for like three rounds until another friend arrived with another Gamecube controller and we could start going HAM with Monkey Fight. heheheh starting to think that I maybe could just throw this in game long instead lol this is obviously reusing the template done for changelog that is still not updated since august 9th cause I haven't done that many drastic changes yet. if you end up here for some reason then yeah this is nothing finished and not linked anywhere yet due to this being unfinished lololololololololol