ArcadeStriker's RingNET


Welcome to ArcadeStriker's RingNET!

Whatever brought you here, I hope you enjoy your stay :]

Play/Pause the Music
♫ - Fighters Megamix Opening

Index Changelog



Long story short, not just another thousand of views happened, but I've also been properly putting work on the site now that I arrived home a few days ago. Soon I will be able to link the Memory Card page on the main index for y'all to visit in its current state - it is essentially my new take on what I wanted to do with the Game Log but allowing for more detail and identity for each game I end up playing, as rather than having a daily diary of sorts, I'd instead fill out whatever thoughts I had about the game if the entry was updated from a recent session, or on the other hand, I'm updating the entry out of thoughts I reminsced of without having actually revisited the game recently [but rather remembering when I played them].
I figured out a way to display icons in grid form, so not only this page index will look like a Memory Card menu, but also I'll be using this grid style to shape the Super Striker GP page that kept needing a facelift on its unfinished index for WEEKS.
So yeah...a lot of progress coming soon :]

20K VIEWS and update [07/03/24]

YOOOOOO, thank you all! I decided to try updating the site from the PC where I'm at right now - fixed the dark mode colors not being global (here I realized how wrong it looks if the browser used the light mode theme) and moved the dancing Sonic to the Ring Racers Zone in order to allow more space in the main menu list, as I moved the music button at the moment to the area below the welcome message.

oh hey, 18,000 views [February? I neverput the right date here lol]

Between wanting to celebrate that, wanting to do more adjustments to the site...and feeling like I need to refocus on something fresh, I've updated the site's banner [daytonaaaaaaa] and this page's music [XBand Sega Saturn Menu theme you will be remembered].

2024 GAMING RECAP POST IS OUT [07/01/25]

Yup, you can check that out CLICKING HERE. It was easier to write ALL of that in Wordpress than in Neocities, so it takes you to my blog over there, but that's still me writing a lot of stuff as always :P


After having the floating thought of wanting to organize more the Stuff page I previously used, I ended up redoing it with the same template I used for the Game Log [which also now lists the Time/Score Attack pages], so it is now sleeker to navigate and got to save up two buttons for other stuff. Enjoy the music I put in there :]

What the- 17,000 VIEWS?? [06/01/25]

Well, that's quite the surprise. More so when I see that 16k was hit halfway through December. I have to order some of my thoughts to put more progress into this, but I've already started doing some reordering for that purpose after doing a backup. Hopefully there will be more cool stuff to show here for y'all who are arriving here :]

HAPPY NEW YEAR [01/01/25]

Well, there's still stuff to update, but at least the Neocities site made it to 2025 better than it looked when it was out of the oven last year.


There are some hours left for that here, but I will guess that the moment you read this, IT IS CHRISTMASSSSSS

16,000 VIEWS [15/12/24]

Thank You for visiting!! I have to pick back up updating the site more frequently due to some stuff I've been cleaning up locally, but don't think I've forgotten to come back to this ;)

About RingNET lives [09/12/24]

Some pages of info about the backstory behind this site...and hey, as of writing this, the site is at 15,787 views :]

15,000 views wahoo [28/11/24]

Well, technically as of writing this, its 15,156 views...but yeah, that's 15k here!!

New Index and Redone Game Log [26/11/24]

The streamlined main page is live!! As you can see, it now feels more compact, as well as how I merged Stuff/Gallery into one link, and Game Log has been redone to use iframes so that its way easier to maintain while still fitting in the theme's style. The other media logs will have to wait for a similar makeover to be listed again.

More progress on the rework [25/11/24]

Redoing the Racing Time Attack page to use collapsibles and merging the old stuff/gallery pages into one. Nice progress.

Reorganizing the Main Page [24/11/24]

Working on streamlining stuff at the moment with a new HTML, but if you are reading this, then it means that you either got this WIP shared to you...or that it is finally ready :]

Say hello to Vectorman