ArcadeStriker's RingNET

Site Updates

September 11th, 2024 - Hey, I learned how to do scrollable divs

This will be pretty useful not just for this mini changelog, but also for an alternate media log and stuff that just logs in the date and title of what I played or watched and other ideas. I may actually phase out this version of the changelog or at least stop updating it constantly [unless BIG changes come along] in favor of doing those smaller updates there, but hey, at least new entry here. Play Hydro Thunderrrrrrr

Time to OutRun more progress

August 9th, 2024

Been playing a lot of OutRun 2006 thanks to the new OutRun2006Tweaks release with restored online- how did you know? Did you read it on the updated Game Log? Writing this while listening to Bomberman Online Dreamcast music, by the way...and as of writing this, site's at 9.4k visits. Huh.

Anyways, restored the Sega Saturn XBAND music for the frontpage [it was there in the old site, but I hadn't figured out until now how to stick an audio player that didn't look out of place]...with a purple Sonic play button [memory of my first time playing RR] - Credits to Drop n' Spin Dash's website for the code to stick a single button to play/pause :D

It has been pretty surprising, right? Been concentrated five days straight working on this thing. Although right now, it might be technically easier because now I have to swim through Twitter with a VPN as it got blocked on the country [if you wonder why, look up where I live and you'll figure out]...which means I'm going to likely use it less just because going on and off the VPN for every other website makes me feel lazy lol- at least Proton is a good asset for that now.


August 8th, 2024

Thank noodlegum for making me discover the banger referenced.

Taking from the mini update blurb: Striker's Creations lives. Managed to migrate the MUGEN Lifebars page as well from the old theme. Long explanation is that I've now started the equivalent of the old directory page, this time properly giving each category its own page to sort them neatly in boxes- although there's just a few things that I haven't moved over yet. But for now, the Ring Racers and Kart addons, MUGEN lifebars, and F-Zero X custom tracks are all organized neatly in that page [although the Kart and RR addons currently just link to their MB pages].

Stuff like this is what makes it nice to work on this now - it is possible to have each thing in their own drawer instead of everything in one hodgepodge of words to read. Easier to maintain, too.
Also a bit of cleaning under the hood- basically deleting old/unused folders or stuff that I've already migrated to the new site. An additional update to this is that there's now a new guestbook [the old one became read-only] and that I finally sticked website buttons here. Two are to the left side and decorative [SEGA Online and Ring Racers- shoutouts to Wacky Workbench for those] and the three at the bottom go to other websites.

Mini update

August 7th, 2024

Filled out a few more things, SEGA Rally Championship beaten in the Game Log, Record Attack is now visible on the navbar.

Big progresssssssssssss

August 6th, 2024

So this is the first time in a good amount of time. Not just week, but months, since the last time I had got invested enough into working my site into something neat from almost scratch, but it shows with how after starting with the starting template and Vectorman saying hello chat [greet him back], I've managed to expand this with two subsections: Media Log, which I already introduced but is now present with at least one entry for three out of four categories [Games, Series and Movies], while Article Zone, which I will dedicate to be my dumping grounds for stuff I write from long articles and interviews to whatever comes to mind, is just getting wrapped up with a landing page and example through a conversion of SRB2Kart The Documentary Part 1 converted to the new template.

All of this right before...huh. 3AM??? Told you that it had been a while since the last time I had got this invested into something like this :p

...Aight, a mimir.

What is this place?

August 5th, 2024

90s game music helps me with ideas for this. Listening to Bomberman Online DC right now.

Hello there, if you are reading this, it means that you have been given a look into this work-in-progress piece of website. Hopefully I don't forget to continue it later as always