

Copy of the right-side index listing all the sections of stuff should go here when this is finished, since not only it does feel appropiate to at least begin the page with the content table, but also because this would be the first thing you see if you are reading on mobile.

SRB2Kart ArcadePak

If you didn't know me already from my SRB2Kart misadventures, I have been a fair bit of a Kart enthusiast, at least since I had seen the last previews in 2018 and had been keeping up with the game since its release. I haven't been as active either in playing, creating custom tracks or any kind of content for it recently...but at the very minimum I still have a fair chunk of stuff I could talk regarding stuff I've done for or with Kart.

ArcadePak is the result of something that started by doing a small bunch of custom track designs, cleaning them up...and then thinking it would be cool to pack them together for a full release. This was after four standalone releases of Dinosaur Canyon, Jungle Canyon, Big Forest and Mount Acres Circuit- that last track's short variation actually featured in the first versions of ArcadePak too.

  1. MAPE1: Virtua Circuit
  2. MAPE2: Snowdust Valley Zone
  3. MAPE3: Mount Acres Short
  4. MAPE4: Ridge Turnpike
  5. MAPE5: Polychrome Polgyon Zone
  6. MAPE6: Tricolored Space Zone
  7. MAPE7: Dynamite Wilderness Zone
  8. MAPE8: Meteor Desert Zone
  9. MAPEA: Backroom Velocity Zone
  10. MAPEB: Virtua Racing Big Forest
  11. MAPEC: Ridge Racer Seaside Route 765
  12. ---MAP HELL---
  13. MAPE0: Jungle Fort Long
  14. MAPED: Dinosaur Canyon Classic

Since then, any new tracks I've done have been thrown in there, and even the previously standalone Big Forest got an extra bit of polish when it was also brought over to ArcadePak since v1.3. Funnily enough, there were no arcade racer tracks involved until I brought VRBF to it, and the current last track I've made for it is the second arcade racer port in it, Seaside Route 765 from Ridge Racer.

The rest are all original tracks that I either scribbled their layout once while outside or somehow scribbled and didn't scrap while messing around with Zone Builder. I still remember how I had done a bunch of ramps and stuff back then, saved the file, and a while later I revisited the file to try piece something together with those ramps...and one brand new spiral-like setpiece later, Dynamite Wilderness Zone was born.

I think I'm getting carried away with explaining stuff about its backstory, oops. If I add collapsible text for track descriptions in this section, I might definitely add more about that for them there, but for now, here's the track pack in question. If you know of PlayerBots, you can actually use this trackpack with that mod and they will work, since I had took the effort to make my tracks compatible with it since v1.5.

My blog stuff and interviews

There's a mix of everything in here, find what you want here! You're at Soup.

I have written some articles before, and occasionally also have done some interviews with some cool people.

Most of that is actually contained in my years-old WordPress site "Arcadex Machina"- a bit of a cheesy name looking back on it, but one that stuck because of my long-running username up to this date.

I might not have updated it as much as I planned in...a good while- the biggest project in there being SRB2Kart The Documentary being the only thing major thing that took over the entire 2023 in there, I'm still proud looking back at everything I have done there, knowing I used to knuckle down a lot with interviews and sometimes could use them for an article; my magnum opus in that regard aside from SRB2Kart The Documentary still being The History of Sonic Adventure DX Modding, as it was the first thing I truly geared up to write and setup with interviews for weeks as it was a topic near and dear to my heart as someone who grew up with SADX on PC.

There's also whatever few things I ended up doing as blogposts directly here in Neocities before I refreshed the WP site theme. Here you can check out the entries that were posted there in the first version of the site, but maybe in the future I'll port them to the new format, or in the case of the Kart stuff, maybe even bring them over to the WP site.

More SRB2 and Kart stuff

If you know me from Kart, then you know well that ArcadePak was not my one and only venture with this game.

Here's all the other stuff I've done related to SRB2Kart...and also the few things I also got to make for SRB2 as well.

  • The SRB2Kart Saga - Unofficial Anniversary Videos, KartKrew Interview, The Documentary
  • The SRB2Kart ArcadePak videos - Miscellaneous, outdated or WIP footage of my tracks
  • SRB2Xtreme - Ported Jade Gully to SRB2 [plus an unfinished bonus]
  • Summer 2020 OLDC - I made Hectic Harbor and battle map Peach Castle for this
  • Golgo 13 Stuff

    Yes, the guy right there is actually the stone-faced Golgo 13. In the early chapters of the manga he was slightly more expressive, or at least specifically didn't have the constant grim expression he is known for now and is even memed a fair bit by those who even know of the character. I actually love that stupid-ass smirk not just because of the energy it exudes but also because its literally something that you wouldn't really see Golgo do in official media. And even the closest thing to that is him having a slight but not noticeable smirk in the scene this panel is adapted to in the 2008 anime [the one where he gets into a prison as an inmate].

    The most proficient hitman over the course of 50 years in Japan, the oldest running manga and also one of the best sellers only below the big three of shonen...Golgo 13 is an interesting franchise that is also surprisingly unknown outside of international waters, or at least not beyond very specific media like The Professional or the NES game. Or in my case, stumbling upon a TAS of the arcade game by Namco.

    GOLGO 13 Music Playlist - A compilation of most of the music I've found officially related or seen in official media for Golgo 13. A few of the things I found are a tiny bit harder to find on the surface than others.

    The Drawing Sketchbook


    My stash of playlists

    OCD? Why do you ask? Currently nothing is linked here because the only two playlists I've started with templates are still on the works- wanted to give at least most of what I add to them their own extra info blurb that probably only anyone that's extremely curious about what I think about those will even bother reading.

    Spikeout Stuff

    To be ported from the old format...but if you are that hungry for Spikeout misc info, you can head to the original page here.