Check this out - *backflips face first into the floor*

For you to check out the videos I've made. Most of my edited montages and stuff [as well as Ring Racers stuff updates] go into the main channel, while I have the Replay Warehouse as a channel exclusively for uploading raw gameplay I do of any game - so you may run into some fresh runs of whatever I try out there instead. You can check either with the buttons below, but I'll also have a few highlighted favorites of mine below those.


[WIP] Currently doing playlists but would like to do specific video highlights when more of the new stuff page is done:

  • STRIKER'S RING RACERS SAGA: All my Ring Racers related edits [except the guides] compiled into a playlist. From my almost launch day Ring Racers but PWNED video to my current latest montage of it [RINGS OF RAGE].
  • STRIKER'S SRB2KART SAGA: All my SRB2Kart related videos in a playlist. Includes the 4th/5th Anniversary Videos, the two SRB2Kart The Documentary videos and two montages I made.

  • ALL OF MY MONTAGES: every haha funni i've made [Disclaimer: Ordered from latest to yeah, a ton of my older edits are in there - up to you if you wanna dive that deep or want to wait for me to do a more curated selection. And yes, Kart/RR stuff is also in the list.