The track was started in January 8th, 2025...and evidence from some later backups seem to point that I only started working back on it in January 30th. For context, the Map Jam it was made for would end submissions at January 31st - so it seems I only happened to retake the development on the last days before that ended.
With that said, I also had done the bulk of the layout itself in that single initial day, blocking out the track from nothing, setting the sectors planned to be lowered in Battle mode with a red dev texture instead of a blue one, and waypointing the track for bot testing. So what would happen in the 30th and onwards would be cleaning up the work, getting rid of all the dev textures, finding the song to use for the track...and doing the whole setup of the Race-only barriers getting lowered in Battle mode through ACS.
The total of...around only three active days[?] working on it still resulted into something neat for the Map Jam stream - more than I expected. There were things here and there to polish from feedback [maybe adding more rings, fixing the minimap, bumping the springs from gray to yellow], but the swap from Race to Battle worked properly, and in both scenarios it was well received!
Likely when a final version is prepared and sent for the map jam's final submissions [post-stream refinements], I will list the changes done between the version seen on that stream and the final version to be seen in release.
in other news, haya said [wow they have it - square]