Welcome to the Game Log V2!!


This is a revised version of the Game Log area I had before - originally it had every single month split into HTML sections, which made it cumbersome to edit because I had to copy and paste a template each time I wanted to add a new entry...but with the iframe setup I'm using now, I can write stuff way easier while having them appear in the window where you are reading this right now. The Time Attack and Score Attack areas are now also accessible through this page - you can check those if you want to look at any racing game or high-score runs I've done in games.

So...this should be far easier to update now, which means more frequently updated!! Shoutouts to JerryTerrifying for his website giving me the idea to rework this with frames.

I also have a Backloggd profile and a RetroAchievements profile if you wish to be more minucious with tracking what I play - whether I happened to log it in Backloggd but not in my Game Log here, or whether it was only tracked by RetroAchievements keeping track of progress in some games I tried but forgot to write about here.