If the main page title, website domain and maybe even the reason you are even reading this didn't give it away, this is my [ArcadeStriker's] website for...whatever stuff I want to make or share that I've already made before.
If you want the why and how, you'll have to click the buttons at the left side of yours - but I can tell you the WHEN right now because it doesn't have as long of a backstory.
So...When did all of this start? Back in November 22, 2023 [according to Neocities] because I had watched this video titled The Web has lost its Soul - LOVEWEB which was just a month old video at that point and got me decided to try actually using Neocities for once - a comment I left on the video back in 2023 [when I started it] saying:
Watching this video got me to actually go and start setting up something with neocities; even with the simplicity it has been fun to mess around with the template so far and also see that it is much faster to update changes on the site on the fly than with Github Pages...thanks
...Which I consider important context when I already had been messing with Github Pages at that point [wanted to do something for myself for a long time, but also had to setup something specifically for an university assignment] but something that Neocities did to win me over was how instantaneous the updates were compared to GH Pages where you had to wait a minute or so to see your pushed changes go live. There's a bit more backstory before that, which should be expanded on the [Why] page - but that's the TL;DR on when I decided to START the Neocities website upfront and actually did it.