This is ArcadeStriker talking to YOU here, owner of this humble Neocities website and enthusiast of many video-game things...including video games [duh]. Born and still living in Venezuela, my native language is actually Spanish, not English.
But enough time casually scrolling through forums and servers online since I was young [and apparently having an English course as a wee kid - even though I did NOT remember that myself and I only know because I was told I did] did give me quite the experience to write stuff in English quite often as it being the most common way to speak to people over the world in interests that I wouldn't usually find here [or in Spanish-speaking communities].
I was raised with two older brothers who had some cool stuff like the Nintendo 64, Nintendo Gamecube, Game Boy Advance SP each one, and as I sorta remember when I was already born and growing, also had got hands on Nintendo DS consoles for each [both of them had the Phat model, then all three of us got the Lite model, then I was given a DSi], a singular Nintendo Wii, and a white Xbox 360 that...unfortunately got RROD long ago as it wasn't the Elite model.
There's more I could add to that, but I should have painted a picture of, despite actually being born in 2002, my upbringing with two brothers and game consoles of the time actually had me be fond of older titles to this day.