Last updated: January 14, 2024

The Profile Gallery

The bingo book? Santa's naughty list? Don't be silly, this is for the chilly!

This site is for a itty bitty little list of people that I've seen or met in one way or another- you'll likely understand their reason of inclusion here whenever you read them.

- Obviously work in progress- there are still many names that are worth mentioning here whenever I can! -

The site inspirations

Sometimes you have ideas that you don't try pushing for until someone else inspires you to go for it.

UserPenalties - The Megaman Zero Online guy

I actually think that the first time I wanted to get down with a fully custom website instead of trying to fiddle with Wix or whatever was because I once was shown by this person a little personal website of his hosted in Github Pages with a scrolling MMZ background and a chatbox- I did try checking back on it but it seems to be gone alongside his account, but at least a screenshot remains for you to know how it looked and why it could have inspired me to try Github Pages myself.


As everything seems to imply, I met this guy when I found out about Megaman Zero Online and played it a fair bit with him alongside others while that was active until the decline came from how the back then current version made in Clickteam Fusion had to be shafted due to server issues (technically still playable with Hamachi or Radmin, but the download has been removed from the site since), and since then there hasn't been a new version to revive the MMZO playerbase yet. But hey, those were fun times, fun enough to have me do ONE AND TWO VIDEOS about it, so of course I would want to give him a little spot here.

Also there's a bit of a sad note with how gso, the composer of the remix in the second video, has seemingly vanished from Youtube and Soundcloud- thankfully there being a reminder of their work with some BIG SHOT remixes reuploaded in Soundcloud, including that one I used. But unfortunately their little comment about the song being used in the video is gone with their account.

Shadok and SADGRL - Never met them but they did push Neocities at my throat

Nuff' said. Basically, Shadok made that "The Web has lost its Soul - LOVEWEB" video that got me interested in trying to do something with Neocities, and SADGRL's site had a handful of useful tools to help me start with it, including the list of background GIFs to use and the layout builder that helped me make the initial starting shape of the site that is still present.

Online netizens I've met in many ways

You never know what you can find in a minimally populated Odamex lobby.

Alaux - The Nugget Doommsteinmeister

The origin for this category's description, I literally met this guy when I was looking for an Odamex server to play and stumbled upon one that had this guy alongside a few others- which after a while of playing, prompted him to summon my communication card to keep tabs. Turn's out that he's also responsible for the Nugget Doom fork, which I didn't know before I met him (and after conversing it for a moment with him...I found out that by the time we met in 2020, that did NOT exist yet. Huh.)...but you don't meet someone with the skills to make a fork for good ol' Doom from a deathmatch day, don't you?

Alaux also likes to compose every now and then some rock MIDI songs, being that the preferred way to make music for Doom after all, I also once got from his DMs a video of Kiryu singing that skibidi song- I actually find those kind of moments a very amusing positive instead of a negative.

I always find it cool he still tries stuff with the Doom engine after how the only thing I had been able to dip my toes into was a single properly released Doom map that I updated once from feedback in Doomworld...and nothing else [SRB2 related stuff doesn't count, though my prev Doom ride helped a bit on that]. Here's a video of said map, though it is from the first version that's likely lost to time now as the second version had a few improvements and a revamped boss fight room- only that I never actually recorded a video of that.


Hello? Are you sure was that him on the phone? What do you mean we don't have a phone?

...What do you mean it is ringing? You said we don't have a-


mmzo mmzo

> nugget supremacy - Alaux

nuexzz - Old online Daytona Master

If you ever have heard of something called Daytona USA ++, a hacked launcher that tried to add some few tweaks for the Model 2 Emulator version of the game, alongside including a pack of high-resolution textures, then now you know who I'm talking about.

This old Daytona online veteran, which I used to watch along with lucisac's Online Test Daytona videos, at some point stumbled with me and we played a few times through that modified Model 2 Emulatior with Kaillera arguably sometime before 2017, but then we would play again in 2019 and I'd have the chance to record that session.

And then after three years, we played again, though unfortunately it wouldn't be until a few months after that when I actually, FINALLY learned how to play with Manual Transmission in Daytona USA, which would have given me a significant amount of help while trying to do the drifts rather than relying on applying the right amount of brake held down for a drift in AT. But I'll still be looking forward to that future, proper rematch now that I should be more prepared than ever before...

ssaunter - FALCO ZAZA

Imagine meeting a Falco player in a Melee group in Telegram for your country, play several matches, and then at one point he mentions being somewhere nearby ON THE CITY WHERE YOU LIVE. That's basically how I went from me and even my brother throwing hands against this random Falco player online to meeting this guy in his little hut with his Melee laptop and then find out that he's also related to some people I had met before that also played Smash Bros and were having plans to form a proper Smash Bros. community in the city.

Yep, that started happening at the tail end of 2022, and its still crazy to think it all happened like that.

If you want to see what he's capable of, I had made a montage of one of the local tournaments I had the luck of participate in the Melee bracket right here, which I CAN'T embed because it uses LL Cool J music I found out about from watching Transformers Rise of the Beasts back then, but he's the Falco that was going beast mode near the end and took that tournament crown at the end...and had taken at least every single Melee crown in the city except for one in the Melee tournaments. He also occasionally produces music- I actually had a little nod to his victory by using one of his tracks for the credits of that Melee montage.

The passion this mf has for Smash Bros. Melee, including having the luck of grab TWO CRTs to play Melee, and often trying to give tips and advice to players interested in playing, is something admirable, even if he's still someone that fights his own brawls when we are talking about aiming high for the bigger tournaments outside of my city- but he's still quite a step ahead on me in that regard...I still haven't got that luxury of leaving once my city for something like playing on another city's bigger tournament. Specially not with my dismal skills compared to this guy- what is there awaiting for me if even our city's boss has it rough outside lol (but he'll make it there one day, I know it...)

Something I discovered this year that made him cooler in my book was how he was really keen on getting his hands on a PS2 to play Ridge Racer Type 4, and had been able to see once Zone of the Enders in motion, as well as play it for the first time, in that beautiful looking CRT of his, and being at awe of how good it looked and played- I should definitely seek to play that one day even if it might get swallowed by the infinite void that is my...backlog. Yeah.

Oh, and one time I was goofing around with Bing's image creator or whatever it was called (it was long ago and only for stupid tests, don't call the police for this little thing c'mon), I tried generating-

"falco from super smash bros melee smoking weed and getting high while playing super smash bros melee with an orange gamecube controller"

And it gave me this as a result.


He loved it. I should actually try redrawing this properly to iron out the weirdness (text) and ramp up the wackiness- turns out I just did. Albeit in paper, and its 1am here so it will have to be tomorrow to show the worl what the zazacube is made of.

As of updating this in January 14, 2024, he had just been announced to have made it to the Top 30 in the Melee Venezuela Power Ranking. He might have just barely made it at 29th place, but it is awesome that he got a spot to be highlighted at all!!


whoisthisgit - I don't know him from Adam, either

Creepy Bad Endings? Fastest Gaming Characters Ever? Worst Levels Ever? If any ring a bell, then you've met this git

While I'm not exactly a close acquaintance as I'm more of part of the small server he has as one of many that had been watching his channel for years, I still thought that he would be worth mentioning between said amount of time I had kept an eye on his videos and how I even had contributed with a few thumbnails to some of his videos long ago.

I remember actually showing one of his videos my also Fire Emblem fan for a brother I have- I think it was the video that an extremely stupid Fire Emblem character featuring Barth from Fire Emblem 6 because of his low chances of leveling up useful stats, and the challenge was about leveling up his most unlikely stat to level up: Resistance. You can watch that video here.

In any case, I always found his videos inspirating to a level as well as some of the few I used to really frequent since the text narration made it easier for me to understand as a kid compared to listening audio narration, and to this day he still has kept going with it on his account that still has old animations of his if you check the channel in oldest video order. Good ol' memories when his videos sometimes appeared with Lub Lub (his signature character...I have yet to think a proper description about it) as a stickman causing mischief to another unrelated stickman while spawning with an AOE2 sound...which I first associated with whoisthisgit's videos as I saw those before playing Age of Empires 2.

Last time I had done a thumbnail for him was the How Many Pokémon Are Eligible For Pokémon Crystal's Level 10 Battle Tower? video, which itself is one of those few instances where Git has done voice narration...though its unfortunate that it might also be the reason behind comments being disabled (you know, probably people that aren't used to it throwing a fit in the comments), but there were a few other videos before that I also had done some thumbnails for that ended blending well enough into the rest (including that one); my second favorite memory of making one of these gotta be this one though: Giving Frank a speedy after image with that hilarious Tatsunoko vs Capcom render to try and convey the speedrun-related topic as the in-game timer being sped up means that you really gotta hurry up to survive.

And my favorite thumbnail memory? Making one based off something that I had already got a bit too familiar with thanks to Aquarius199's videos...if you can recognize that shadow silhouette, then you know where this one is heading to. And it was hilarious to both see that there and being able to come up with an idea to hint at it through the thumbnail.

I remember there was one video where my thumbnail idea ended up being kinda overconvoluted though to the point that I saw it would later get replaced with something less silly...and no, I don't have to point out which, but if anything I'm actually glad that one was replaced lol

(and then there's another one that I also made that is a bit odd to look at now for me...but is still the thumbnail for the video. All caps bad ending is your only hint to that one.)

In any case though, be it from my watching experience since years ago for a variety of games I had and hadn't heard of before, to those thumbnails being my first stint ever at doing something with Photoshop for someone else, I consider the Git to be worth naming in this gallery of honorable mentions from my life.

"May all your bees be my wax" -whoisthisgit...sometimes

The people you don't know but I do

Only usernames and pseudonyms(?), but if you know who you are if you are reading one of these...well, thanks for coming by- be careful to not open the wrong door in my brain lol

Maniack - I've thrown hands with this guy in so many things its ridiculous

Know him since my second year of middle education school as I entered a completely new school to me expectig the one kid I knew apparently being there the year before as I was somewhere else- until I found out he had just moved from there as well.

To think that he would go from one of the small bunch that I hanged around with to play games and would become the guys I would enjoy my time the most back then, to stand out somewhere during that time until now as one of the first people I've met, and one of two I know for a while, that knows how to play fighting games with motion inputs and everything. If you aren't used to those, or on the other hand, you are but have failed to rope beginner friends to stay with those, then you know how rare it might be if you don't have an offline fighting game community nearby or if the people at your school weren't into the fighting game craze as well.

This guy has given me the hands in almost very game with a semblance of fighting in it: Street Fighter, King of Fighters, Garou, Virtua Fighter, Toy Fighter, Power Stone, EVEN KARNOV'S REVENGE.


Atomic Commander - That Third Strike guy

Know him since last year of secondary education school- funny how he went from that guy I got grouped with after a handful had left the year before since there were rumors of it closing down that year (it lasted ONE more) to being one of the three stooges I often summoned to play stuff like NBA Hangtime at my house and then summon with my other older high school friends for game parties, to being the other one of the two guys I know from many years that actually knows how to play fighting games outside of Smash Bros- and of course he also plays Smash Bros.

Had played Garou against his Rock and Terry, Third Strike against his Sean/Akuma/Elena, Smash Bros. Melee against his Luigi and Game and Watch, Ultimate against his (unpolished) K.Rool- even played against his PROJECT A JACKIE CHAN in Fists of Fire, and so on so forth. He is a bit less experimental on his games of choice, but at least he definitely knows how to fend against me in the games he would agree to play with.

Though if it is a co-op game that ends up being extra fun or amusing, then he also sticks to the whole ride, such at that time I played Castlevania Fighter with him in co-op as we both played as the joke Frog character.

Aside from sharing a somewhat similar range of humor for memes (I'm not explaining this at 1am, don't ask me about this yet), he also had told me that once as a kid he had been looking for Eurobeat songs...and he ended up discovering Eurodance- which is how he got a good taste for those kind of songs too, which is very very cool.

I have a fond memory of him distinctly asking me for the name of a song I was playing in 2023 when celebrating my 21st birthday while we were outside waiting for a power outage to end in the afternoon- I was playing Rave Racer's Jazz Mission on my phone while we were playing dominos. A few times later he showed up playing either eurodance music outside of my door...or Jazz Mission once again.

Probably sounds like a nothingburger but listen, that was likely the first time EVER I had actually someone relate to anything remotely connected to Rave Racer- a game that I did play A LOT years before but was one of those things on my list of niche stuff I kept only to my brain, so as silly as it was kind of vindicating to see someone have a sharp ear to take a pick on that specific thing I chose for background music in that moment.