Spikeout Final Edition Announcer Voice Rips


Almost all of the information here was documented in July 2021, sitting idle in a text file on my folders for that long until February 4, 2024, date as of writing this, where I finally realized I could put all of that in here for anyone curious to find.

If you’re here just to have the clean announcer voice clips, then take 'em from below, and feel free to use it for whatever- MUGEN lifebars or projects, Spikeout-related stuff, unrelated montages [I actually did sneak these once in one lmao]…its just the announer voices. You figure out what you want to do with these :P

Spikeout Announcer V1

Although at the moment these do NOT include almost any unused voice clips…nor the Bonus Game announcer clips. I don’t know if the Diesel Town/Astro Mall/Opera Theater voice clips are actually used in-game, but I happened to rip them as well back then thinking they were.

Test Menu Intel

If you’re curious where to find these sounds in the test menu yourself for whatever reason…
Announcer rips: sound code 226 and on
Menu sounds and Mikhail’s lines: sound code 385 and on

All names will be using the internal name for the sake of both organization and accuracy.
Several of the clips are used ingame, but others are definitely not. There are also two clips that seem to be used in very different situations.


269 sd_an_Gbingo_22
Plays when you hit any enemy with a Charge 4 Attack at any point. I thought for years that this was simply Spike’s voice though lol

270 sd_an_Gcool_22
Plays when you hit an enemy with the last/charged hit of a BBBBBB combo.

Had these descriptions on the text file for those two sounds only, but the rest are definitely self-explanatory if you listen to them. The Make a Team and Single Player clips are intended for whenever you want to join another player’s game or play alone in linked cabinets.


sound num 260
Not recorded because…it is a dummy after all. Might have to double check with the original Spikeout to see if this entry exists to verify if “the dock” (shipyard) was intended at that point or not but wasn’t finished.

281 sd_an_inatoughspot
Very likely an unused early take or alternate of what is the currently used Watch Yourself for low health.

286 sd_an_help
Funny, but completely unused.
The used counterpart would be the voice clips used in multiplayer for whenever a teammate is low on health (“Help Spike”, “Help White”, “Help Tenshin”, “Help Linda”).

The following clips are definitely unused, as they aren’t played in the situations where they should be or basically sound like placeholders/unfinished (as they don’t sound in line with any used clips)
282 sd_an_congratulations

All of these are likely to be unused and don’t exist in Spikeout Final Edition. Some of these are interesting alternative takes to used stuff.
227 - sd_an_gs “Game Select”
228 - stage
229 - area
239 - ten (Countdown starts from 9 so this probably went unused due to that)

Unused Fight takes and etc
242 - Ggo_2 “GO!!”
243 - Gfight_22_dmy "Fight!
246 - game_over_dmy
247 - time over dmy
251 - thakyu_22
256 - an_dock_22 “Dock yard”
Seems that this actually existed in the vanilla spikeout but dummied out in FE; seems that the stage was intended to be in the original since the beginning but cut due to time constraints and this is what remains.
263 - Ghereboss_22_2 (A more excited “here comes the boss”)
264 - Gexe_22 “EXCELLENT!”
268 - Gbonus_22 “Bonus time!”
Seems that there was a extra time item at one point.
269 - Gultimate_22 “Ultimate attack!”
Sounds like an early name/take for Special Attack.
278 - danger “__ is in danger!”
Likely an alternative/early take for the “Help [character]” when a teammate is low in health.
279 - youintoughspot “You’re in a tough spot!”
On the other hand, this would have played for your own screen.
281 - becareful “Be careful!”
Maybe there was fully implemented team damage at one point, or would play if you hit a teammate with a C4 which seems to be the only thing ingame that allows for team damage.
283 - congratulations
This entry also exists in FE, but here it actually sounds like the Spikeout announcer instead of a muted take, which makes both the place where this was intended and the later change even more puzzling.
285, 286, 287 - spikeout2, digionline, digionline2 “Digital Battle Online”
Clearly were alternates intended for the title screen. OG Spikeout full title is “Spikeout Digital Battle Online”.
288-297 11-20
For whatever reason, numbers beyond 10 up to 20 exist here. No idea what could they have been used for.
298 game
anyone’s guess
299-301 a b c
At first thought was for name entry, but since there are no other letters then it might have been for something else.
302, 303 - and, newteam
Maybe for the coop join intermission, “New Team: X, Y, Z, etc”
304 - topspks
Ranking screen intended
305 timesup
306, 308 - fightLong, fight_tom
The used take is between these two. First seems to be an alternative take, the second one seems to be what would have been a secret/alternative wacky announcer; this is backed up by few other lines with this announcer and “_tom” existing nearby.
310, 312 - gameover_tom, timeover_tom
Same as above.

There are also some extra sel/coin sounds that are absent from Final Edition.
