Spikeout Story and Characters


Heads-up for this page: There’s probably not much else to be added in info aside from what I’ve already found…but likely should see when I can add at least the mugshots of the characters, and maybe translate the stuff in Spikers Battle’s website for the other characters too.

There’s a story written in the remains of the english Amusement Vision website for Spikeout Digital Battle Online…but it is in sort-of broken English as it could be expected for the time. However, there is a Japanese page for it as well that seems to have the exact same text but at least can be retranslated better.

Downtown America, DIESEL TOWN.

This city is full of “young gangsters” who harbor uncontrollable hot anger, each rampaging and fighting as their minds and bodies take them. They formed large and small groups called “teams.”
One day, a new gang from another city entered the city and began to conquer it with overwhelming numbers and tremendous aggression.


All the gangs were quickly taken over by this precise, calm, ruthless, and disciplined team, whose leader was called “Big Boss” by his fellow gang members.

The last team members who resisted until the very end, spat out with a smile, “It’s not over for us… They’re here… The four strongest men in the city that no one can touch!”

At these words, the BIG BOSS said: “What can four people do? Strength is in the numbers”, but unpleased at the muttering of the word “strongest”, he expressed his fighting spirit and targeted the team of only four under the name of “complete domination”.

In front of the ambitions of “Inferno”, which has become a huge team, Team “Spike” is now caught up in a fierce and heated final struggle…

And that’s how you end up with the only team left in Diesel Town getting ambushed at their home at Spikers Camp, as the later Final Edition update would depict with the attract mode and new first stage being them dealing with the thugs roaming their place until they are done with them and go on to Diesel Town, the first stage in the original DBO version.

Character stories?

Spikers Battle’s website and that aforementioned Spikeout website happens to have a bit of information for each of Team Spike’s integrants. Most of the text for them in Spikers Battle’s page is dedicated to bullet points about their gameplay (which can be accurate) but the most interesting information is definitely the little backstory and personality details they are given.


  • Nationality: America
  • Age 27 years old
  • Height 185cm
  • A former heavyweight professional boxer,
    Leader of team “Spike”
  • Fighting Style
    Mainly focused on powerful straight lines and punching techniques.
    His footwork is large and dynamic.
    He fights with the motion of breaking or crushing his enemies.

The main character of SpikeOut.
He has dreadlocks and prefers casual clothing.
He has sharp eyesight and noticeably muscular arms.
He is not good at interpersonal relationships, and is extremely taciturn and expressionless. His expression changes only when he fights.
This intimidating appearance and aura keeps people away from him and makes him lonely whether he wants to be or not.
The only one who hangs out with him is White, who doesn’t care about other people’s feelings.
He has a boy who is almost 5 years old and spending time with him is his reason for living.

Spike has the most destructive Lv. 4 charge technique of all the characters in the series. However, he has a standard performance centered on his quick beat attack, so we recommend him for intermediate users who have become accustomed to the controls.


  • Nationality American
  • Age 25 years old
  • Height 185cm
  • Former U.S. Army soldier, often teamed up with Spike [Unclear whether this means they were both in the army or if he just hangs out with Spike since then]
  • Fighting Style
    He uses a lot of big swings and wild uppercut techniques.
    He also uses kicks in combination with punches.
    It feels like a waste of movement due to the large motion, but it is very powerful.

He leans back on his well-trained muscular body and walks with an air of authority.
He has a very cheerful personality. He is mischievous, bored, and optimistic.
He is easily taken for a ride, and when he is asked to do something, he never says no.
He’s a nice guy at heart, but he’s really noisy. He talks a lot with a loud and thick voice.
He laughs a lot and is often laughed at, but he hates being made fun of, being told what to do, and most of all, he hates Tenshin to death.
The first person he ever lost a fight with was Spike.

He is good at stable combination attacks with few flaws. White has a series of attacks that are difficult for opponents to avoid, and a summersault kick that is excellent for interception. Although his reach is a little short, he has many stable moves with few openings, making him easy to handle for intermediate users who have become accustomed to using his moves.


  • Nationality American
  • Age 23 years old
  • Height 172cm
  • A young lady from a good family.
  • She is smart and always calm.
  • Fighting Style
    Mainly sharp kicks delivered from long legs.
    He has a wide variety of techniques, from small and fast kicks to dynamic big moves.
    Fight compactly and without waste.

She has a sexy body and a vivid, dignified face. He has a rich and quiet smile.
She is smart and wanted to become a judge in the future. She is serious and thoughtful at heart, by no means light.
She is also sexy, but her image is more of a spartan and resolute one.
She’s a good talker, but never wastes time with idle chatter.
She always takes appropriate actions based on calm decisions, but she hates crookedness and is inflexible because she values ​​the truth.
She also hates being called “young lady”.

Linda has many techniques that deviate from the basic commands. Her charge times are a bit slow and her combination moves are tricky, so it takes a lot of getting used to her to fully master her as your own character. However, although Linda appears to be handled only by advanced players, her basic beat attack has a long reach and quick movements, giving the character a winning chance for those who are new to the game and a high potential for those who have been playing it for a while.


  • Nationality Japan
  • Age 28 years old
  • Height 193cm
  • White and Tenshin are like dogs and monkeys.
  • Fighting style
    A unique martial arts style that uses wild spinning techniques that involve swinging long limbs around.
    He is good at brilliant combination techniques that he can perform in rapid succession.

Although he is Japanese, he is quite tall.
Walk quickly and with long strides. He has sharp eyes and a cold expression. His eyes are sharp and he has a cold expression.
He has a deep and sharp mind.
He is a hard-headed type who hates doing unnecessary things and only speaks slowly about what is necessary.
He is taciturn and never talks about useless things. He is always calm and collected and rarely gets angry,
However, due to his bloodline, once he loses his temper, he becomes so angry that no one can stop him.
He might be the scariest of the four.
Physiologically, he hates the loud and optimistic White.

His appeal lies in his long reach attack, wielding his long arms and legs. Tenshin’s characteristic is the long reach made possible by his long arms and legs. He also has many rotating techniques that twist his body and can hit opponents on the sides. If you attack an opponent from behind with a series of beat attacks, it is possible to hit all of them, as they are difficult to evade! However, there are many technical combination moves, and if you are not used to them, you will end up with simple attacks, making it difficult to inflict continuous damage, so this character is for advanced players.

It is interesting to see that Spike is stated to have that intimidating aura whether he intentionally wants to or not, and seems to be lonely due to that aside for the friendly White and his beloved son.

Tenshin is the oddest one out with how he doesn’t have an official real hint of what he was up to (or even a blurb about his family like Linda has), but it could be speculated that he might have been involved with the Yakuza or another type of Japanese gang before, between his demeanor, mention of a bloodline with his temper, and the massive tattoo on his back.

It is also notable that the four characters are listed astwo years older in Spikers Battle’s character descriptions compared to their entries in Spikeout’s site, so presumably and canonically, Spikers Battle’s events happen two years after Spikeout’s.

I did check the Spikeout Battle Street website to see what additional data could it give about Team Spike even if it is after a timeskip, but the English website is barren in details in general compared to the Japanese version, which even if you translate the tiny lines on the character previews, don’t reall give any more info outside of that Spike Jr. and Spike’s relationship is cold and unresolved during that game, something that is likely already shown in the game’s batch of story cutscenes for that matter.
